Monday, February 21, 2011

"The DiMaggio Difference": Choosing the Church

When it came time to decide what kind of ceremony we would have, the decision was not without thought. For a short breath we considered doing a "room flip" and having the reception and ceremony at the same locale, but it seemed like too much work, and extra work means extra room for error! (Extra room for error means extra anxiety for Miss Seal). Plus, Mr. S and I were both baptized Catholic and the traditional side of me really wanted to have that big church wedding like my parents had.

My parents' San Francisco wedding:


After a lengthy and thoughtful discussion with my Sealman we decided to also marry within the Church.

With the decision made to have a big church ceremony, the next step was to figure out which church would set the stage. Having the ceremony at the local parish in which I was baptized was not an option—I just wasn't comfortable asking my guests to drive 30+ minutes to get to the reception site. And seeing as how Mr. Seal was baptized in Brooklyn...well, you can understand why that was out of the question!

We looked into Mission Dolores in San Francisco, the beautiful location of my parents' ceremony, but they couldn't accommodate our Friday wedding. So that was that.

Then I remembered my cousin Sharla's wedding. In March of '09 I was a guest at her wedding in the North Beach area of San Francisco and I remember being blown away by the beautiful church in which she wed her husband.

I have no idea why this is the only picture I have from her ceremony, as it obviously does it no justice (you can kinda see the interior of the Church in the background, no?), but I thought I'd introduce you to the eldest Brother Seal anyhow:

Sooo, hive, meet Sts. Peter and Paul—as it so happens this is the same church where Joltin' Joe DiMaggio wed his first wife, Dorthy Arnold back in November of 1939 (he also posed for pictures on the Church's steps after marrying Marilyn Monroe at City Hall):

Image via Flickr

Personal photo

Now, this would be an incomplete post if I didn't explain why all of the aforementioned details are of extra importance.

I'd like to enter into evidence a little something I refer to as, "The DiMaggio difference". Okay, so that's kind of a big name for what I am about to explain, but whatever, let's roll with it.

The DiMaggio Difference:
Image via NY Daily News/Photo Credit: AP
  1. Joe was born in the small town of Martinez, California—about 30 minutes east of San Francisco. As it so happens, I was also raised in this cozy town of 36,000. And being the birthplace of the Yankee Clipper is one of Martinez' most prized claims to fame.
  2. As you know, Mr. Seal is THE biggest Yankees fan I know. Informing him that we had the possibility of marrying in the same church as Mr. DiMaggio was quite the delight. Though Joe is a native of the West Coast, he spent his career in New York as a Yankee and according to Mr. Seal...that makes him a New Yorker.
  3. Joe and his first wife not only married in Sts. Peter and Paul, but they were married on November 19...only 8 days after our wedding date (albeit 72 years earlier...but you get the point)
  4. Lastly, Joe was a SEAL! Prior to the baseball big leagues, Joe played in the minors for the San Francisco Seals. 
Young Joe as a Seal:
In light of all of the obvious coincidences, we made contact with Sts Peter and Paul. And after some e-mail correspondence with one of the Fathers we decided to "accept fate", if you will, and send in our deposit. So now we will appropriately be following in the footsteps of a man that very much embodied both the East and the West—much like Mr. Seal and I.

Well, except we'll stay married, of course ;)

What made you decide on your ceremony location? Tradition? Convenience? Joe DiMaggio?

Lots of love,

Miss Seal


Carina Conte said...

Perfecto! Perfecto! Perfecto!

Emu said...

The new layout is beautiful!

I'd like to let you know that there is a little more about the Dimaggio/church awesomeness. When he was remarried to Miss Monroe, they were not allowed to be married in a Catholic church (for obvious reasons) so they were married up the road a ways, but made damn sure to take a few photos together after the ceremony in front of your church. So, theres a little old Hollywood thrown in as well.

Unknown said...

I was baptized at Our Lady of Guadelupe Church in SF...since they have closed OLoGC, all records are stored at St Peter & Paul...I had to get my baptismal record and looked up St Peter & Paul maybe ten years ago...I thought to myself what a beautiful church.. I would love to attend mass here...maybe on my next visit to SF...Waa next visit will be your wedding wonderful is that....

Unknown said...

Sorry Saiz5115 is me Bernell Gonzales....

MarieDeezy said...

Whoa, someone lagged on responding to my lovely commentators!

@Carina: Thank you, my lovely!
@Tracy: I'm glad you are diggin' the new layout! Also, you are a genius! I knew about them taking pics in front of the church, but I couldn't figure out how that tied in--but you are so right...OLD HOLLYWOOD! Durrrr.
@Bernell: That's another fun tie! I'm so excited for you to be there on the big day and how cool is it that you'll be able to get your baptismal record at the same time?!