Disclaimer: This post talks a lot about teeth. In particular, bad teeth. If for some reason you are sensitive to such a topic or just plain don't want to hear about it, kindly feel free to skip this one ;)
Today marks 22 days until our wedding. I'll soon (as in a few hours) be leaving to Las Vegas for my bachelorette party and I know when I return I'll only need blink twice and November 11th will be here. With that said, I can't quite be excited yet. Having been engaged for just a couple months shy of two years, I was certain that I'd be overcome with joy (and perhaps nerves) once the under-30-days mark hit.
But, as I said, I can't be excited quite yet.
You see, about four months ago I chipped a molar while eating a chocolate chip. Yeah. A chocolate chip (I told you I was a chocolateholic). Anyway, seeing as how I currently have no dental insurance, I thought I'd be okay with just thorough brushes twice a day, some mouth rinses and (since I'm being honest, occasional) flossing. Well, all was fine until about three weeks ago when I notice a bump below the gum line of my broken tooth. My heart sank because I knew what this was - an abscess. Considering abscesses are signs of infection, I knew I needed to seek prompt dental care.
Cue the full-blown anxiety attack.

Not me, but a dude having an anxiety attack nonetheless.
Dental care for me meant, well, going to the dentist. And I am
terrified of the dentist. Despite practicing good oral hygiene, I've always had "bad" teeth. When I was 6 I had to have two abscesses removed and two baby molars pulled and it hurt. Going to the dentist does not signal "a good time" to my brain.
It also meant coming up with more money as I'd surely have to pay out of pocket for any necessary dental work. I did some research and was actually able to purchase some affordable insurance. The only hitch was that it wouldn't be effective until November 1st. I realized my situation was pressing and required more urgent care so I made an appointment with a local dentist running an affordable deal on dental exams. While waiting for said appointment, I saw my regular medical doctor and was prescribed some medicine to tide me over.
And a week ago I went in for my first dental appointment in...years. I really think I was more embarrassed than terrified, but I went anyway. As I feared, the news was less than optimal. I actually had
two abscessed teeth AND a gum infection. Yes, hive and I can't even believe I'm sharing all of this with you. Anyhow, considering my coverage doesn't kick in until the first of next month, they decided it would be in my best interest, financially, to start my work then. So, 10 days before my wedding I will be treated for my gum infection, and 9 days before my wedding I will have oral surgery to extract TWO molars.
This date with the oral surgeon and his pliers, my friends, is preventing me from feeling excitement about our upcoming wedding. The kind dentist assured me that the swelling will have gone down in time for my big day and proclaimed it was better to take care of the abscesses ASAP rather than running the risk of a dental emergency
on the day of our wedding. Her logic is sound so I suppose there's not really away around it and that makes me sad and nervous.
I wanted to spend the week before my wedding stressing about OOT bags and assembling programs
not laying in bed eating soup and wallowing in my guilt (because afterall it
is my own fault) and self-pity. I also can't help but fear that the swelling will not actually have gone away and that I'll forever have wedding photos of me with swollen cheeks!
In summation, things can and likely will go wrong both before and on your wedding day. I don't really think it's possible to make lemonade out of lemons in this situation, but I am doing my best to have a sense of humor about everything. It's surely typical of my luck to experience this sort of misfortune prior to such an important day, but I will take it with stride...and a couple less teeth.
Keep smiling, kids! And go to the dentist every six months :D
Did you experience any sort of hiccups before your wedding? How'd you handle it?