Monday, August 22, 2011

The Seal Shower Recap

A while ago, I shared with you the adorable bridal shower invites that were carefully hand-crafted by MOH Brandi. Well, the amazing shower has since come and gone (in the blink of an eye), and is ready for recappin'! The event was hosted by Mama Seal and Brandi and I couldn't be more grateful for their generosity and effort :)

Anyhow, I'll let the photos do most of the talking!

I was fortunate that my out-of-town bridesmaid Carina, despite being sick, was able to make it to the shower. I started the day by picking her up from the airport. After some breakfast and some gettin' ready, we were all set to go!

I arrived to find lots of my family and friends hanging in the main hall of my aunt's community center (the location of the shower)—they were all laughing and enjoying some yummy food.

After stealing a plate of food, I table-hopped and mingled with all of the lovely ladies. 

And then made my way into the other room to take a gander at all of the décor.

I was overwhelmed by the gifts!

The adorable favors were little pots with plantable seed paper (shaped like a butterfly). I can't wait to plant mine!

They know me well and decorated the place with lots and lots of flowers.
After getting some food in our bellies, MOHs Brandi and Meghan decided it was time to encourage some group activities and thus the games began! The first was a game in which the guests were asked to match celebrities with their partners. The second was a word scramble game containing words relevant to Mr. Seal and me—one of the scrambles was "denweigbde"...any guesses as to what that could be? Hehe.

 BMs Megan and Sarah workin' away.

The last one involved dressing me up in an apron with tons of gadgets attached—I walked around the room for two minutes, after which the guests were asked to recall and jot down as many of the items as possible.

Oh, I forgot about the veil! My Auntie Ali and her daughter-in-law (my BM Andrea) totally made that bad boy for me from some spare tulle, faux flowers and Swarovski crystals. It was pretty ginormous and I felt a little silly at first, but I grew into it and really appreciated the time they put into it ;)

It was then time to open some gifts, so we all moved into the living room area.
I don't have a ton of pictures of me opening gifts (which is probably for the best because I make weird faces), but there was lots of smiling, waving and hugging involved.

MOH/shower co-host Brandi had an adorable hoodie made for me.

After some more hanging out...
The beautiful FSIL/BM Maria and me

Me with my lovely friends Clare and Veronica

Me with my gorgeous cousins Jetzabel, Alisha and Janell

BM Sarah, MOH Meghan, MOH Brandi and BM Megan being major goofs.

My sweet cousin Christina and me was time for some people to go so we took a group shot.
And a bridal party photo.
BMs Tracy, Maria, Carina, Megan, Seal, MOH Meghan, MOH Brandi, Andrea and Sarah (Whew!)

Quite a few friends and family members hung out after the shower had ended to enjoy a few drinks and some of my Auntie Ali's delicious enchiladas. Even the Sealman and some other male relatives joined us for the post-shower festivities!
My cousin/GM John-Michael lookin' pwetty with the Sealman

The day, though gone too quickly, was...magical. To be surrounded by so many of the people I hold so near to my heart was more than wonderful. Many of the guests had to travel quite a distance to be present, but travel they did—and for that and their continual support, I am forever grateful. 

I am a lucky girl.

Have you had your shower yet? How much fun did you have?!


Emu said...

It was such a fun day, and everything was either beautiful or delicious. I was glad to be there.

Kayte said...

I have a ton of pics of you opening presents :) i will get them to you!!