Friday, May 13, 2011

Money-Saving Methods: The Piggy Bank

OK, kids. We all know weddings are expensive, right? I mean...we live in a country where a $10,000 wedding is considered a "budget" wedding. I don't know about you guys but ten big ones still sounds like a hefty chunk of moolah!

Thankfully, as I've mentioned before, the Seal parents are helping us pay for the majority of our "more-than-10K" wedding. While I am supremely grateful for their generous support, this support does not come without some self-inflicted guilt. Though Mama and Daddio Seal insist they are contributing of their own free will, I have a hard time shaking the feeling that Mr. S and I should be doing more.

Anyhow, born of this guilty conscience was a heightened desire to save. Miss Seal here does best at saving money when I am saving towards "mini goals" rather than big, scary intimidating ones. For example, instead of saving to "buy a car", I'll tell myself that I am saving for the down payment on a car—it's a mind game that works for me, especially when applied to the wedding.

So, hive, I wanted to share my new favorite method of achieving wedding "mini goals": GET AN OLD SCHOOL PIGGY BANK, YO!

 Me and my super smart (and fashion forward) piggy bank sharing an intimate moment.

I'm serious, kids—this piggy bank serves an important purpose. Mr. Piggy here is currently holding the savings towards our very sentimental, very personal guest favors. I SWEAR I will reveal the details of said favors in the near future, but I had to introduce you to an integral member of the "Seal Money-Saving Team" first.

We've had Mr. Piggy since Christmas (he was a thoughtful present from FSIL Tracy). I dunno how much he's worth but I do know this...he weighs about 8.8 lbs. Oh, but he's not all coins—I make it a point to feed him lots of cash too (on the rare occasions I have cash in my wallet upon returning home).

Anyone care to wager a guess as to how much Mr. Piggy is worth? I'll update you all and announce the winner (of my virtual high-fives) when I post about our guest favors. 

Hopefully helpful hints, or "The Three H's", if you will:
  1. He weighs 8.8 lbs
  2. We've had him for a little over four months now
  3. Our goal is to save $600. (Though I've not yet counted, I know there is at least $100 in there.)
Happy guessing!

Have any of you utilized unique (or, in my case, old-school) methods of saving money for your wedding? What did you find was most successful?


Emu said...

My guess (for right now) is somewhere in the ballpark of $400.00. This is based on the fact that I keep seeing people stuffing fives and tens in there. Its got to add up.

P.S. you might want to put that thing into a safe deposit box. Just in case prowlers are reading.

Teaching Hathaways said...

I will guess you will exceed your goal amount. It's amazing how much money coins add up to!! So my guess will be $642. Can't wait to hear all about it!