Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Our Favors, Part I: The Grandma I Never Knew

Hive, I haven't intended to be so elusive in regards to our favors and I fear I have unintentionally amped them up to be a bit more groundbreaking than they are. They're not quite as unique as Mrs. Tartlet's book charity favors or maybe not as fun as Mrs. Ostrich's CDs, but they come from an important place nonetheless.

And it's partly because of this beautiful lady:

My Grandma Mary

I never had the privilege of knowing my Grandma Mary - she passed at the young age of 56 from pancreatic cancer long before I was born. I can't tell you how weird it has been not knowing this woman - a woman who has touched the lives of so many in my family. Being that I am so very close to Mama Seal, it's strange not knowing the person who brought her into this world and shaped her into everything I aspire to be. Even now, referring to her as "grandma" feels strange to me - as if it's an amazing honor I never earned.

But despite not ever having met her - I feel an intangible closeness to her. Perhaps this is because I imagine her to be a lot like my own mama, or maybe it was all the vivid stories told growing up - I can't pinpoint it, but what I do know is that a day rarely goes by in which I don't wonder what life would have been like with her in it.

 Grandma with Mama Seal and Uncle Seal

My mom and aunties with Grandma Mary

Having already found a way to pay tribute to both my grandfathers and my Nana (more on her later, I promise) at our reception, I had long been thinking of a way to pay homage to Grandma Mary.

And then one night, while celebrating a belated Valentine's Day at what will be our wedding-night hotel, the Sealman hit another homerun. (Recall his previous triumph here.)

We were enjoying some Godiva chocolates and champagne...

...when he asked me a simple question,"Which do you like better, Godiva or See's?" Now, for all of you unfortunate folk unfamiliar with See's Candies, I'm sorry. I really can't describe the candies in a way that would do them justice, so I just won't. However, I can give you the same history I gave Mr. Seal that will hopefully help explain why this was such an easy question to answer.

Grandma Mary worked for See's Candies for years and years and even recruited several other members of the family to work in the factory.

For some relevant imagery, think of this iconic "I Love Lucy" episode:
Image via TvLand/Courtesy of CBS

Grandma was a floor supervisor and after a long night's work would return home to her husband and six children bearing imperfect (yet perfectly delicious) candy rejects and smelling of chocolate. My mom's face still lights up when she talks about that scent and I find great joy in knowing that she and my aunts and uncles need only step foot into a See's Candies shop to be reunited with their mother's fragrant memory.

That affection and appreciation has been passed down and I have nothing but fond (and scrumptious) memories associated with See's.

After sharing all of this with Mr. S, he followed up with another very important question, "Why don't we have a See's Candies buffet at the wedding and dedicate it to your grandma?"

This man? He's a goldmine.
Photo courtesy of The Marin Studio

So, that is exactly what we will be doing. As half of our favors to our wedding guests, we will let them indulge in a buffet of delicious yum-filled chocolates.

Image via See's Candies

I think the grandma I never knew but love anyhow would really like that ;)

What are you doing for your guests? How are you incorporating family into your wedding and/or paying homage to lost loved ones?

Stay tuned for Part II - I'll reveal the last component of our favors!