Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Compromise: A Couple's Best Friend!

Mr. Seal and I are a great duo. I know I am seriously biased, but I mean it. Most of our arguments are about the same things (I'm messy, he's stubborn) but we understand the key to a successful relationship: compromise!

I will share my wisdom with you:

1. The one thing I despise, more than anything else in the world, is laundry. Mr. Seal, because he loves me that much, almost always does our laundry. In return, I regularly provide him with breakfast in bed. See how that works?

2. When we decided to make my checking account into a joint one, we were faced with a problem. The bank lady informed us our debit cards had to have the same design. Seeing as how my debit card at the time was Hello Kitty themed, we were in desperate need of a compromise.
Hello Kitty image via BofA
Sealman's suggestion? A double compromise! If we nixed Hello Kitty, he would voluntarily use a San Francisco Giants debit card (and continue sporting his Giants T-Shirt and hat with me to games), if I made the Yankees my American League team and rooted for them alongside him on the couch.


3. We watch Sports Center and the MLB network every night. Don't get me wrong, we've established I love baseball, but I don't need to hear detailed discussions about it every night during the off-season. But I do it anyway. Why? Because Mr. S watches "Say Yes to the Dress" and "My Fair Wedding" with me every week.

4. I let Mr. Seal tell me how hot Katy Perry is. You know why that is? Because she IS hot. The trade-off here is that I speak my mind in return. I can tell him that I think Alex Rodriguez has a cute butt without him getting jealous. Just because we are in a committed relationship with one another doesn't mean good-looking people stop being good-looking—there is absolutely no love lost just because he notices that Eva Mendes is, in fact, gorgeous!

5. I drive everywhere. Growing up in New York he didn't have to start driving until he moved to California in 2004. I've been driving since I was 15 and truly don't mind the task. I do know that, even if I hated playing chauffeur, I would still do it because the pay-off is so unimaginably amazing. He massages my hands or feet (my choice!) until I fall asleep. No lie. I will never understand how I got so lucky.

Alright, before I further disgust you with our cuteness, I will end it here.

What kind of compromises do you make with your boo? Do you think this strengthens your relationship?


Miss Seal


Emu said...

Yeah, you guys are cute. Thumbs up.

Jenna said...

you are adorable. :) compromise is definitely key! he cooks, i do the dishes. he watches every sports game known to man, i get maximum computer time while "listening" to the tv right next to my main squeeze. i read bedtime books, he puts them to bed (and we switch off). i think along with compromise, is teamwork. it makes parenting so much more effective and easier when you have a partner on your side.

MarieDeezy said...

@Thaaaank ya :)

@Jen: That is too cute! I remember you telling me about your whole he cooks and you clean compromise—I dig! And you're so right...compromise definitely goes hand-in-hand with partnership, which is essential in raising kids...and I am very much looking forward to raising kids with this man ;)