Friday, March 25, 2011

A Moment for Us: The Father-Daughter Dance

One of my favorite parts of any wedding reception is the father-daughter dance. I am undoubtedly a huge sap but there truly is something so revealing and special about this tradition. I love watching the interaction between the bride and her father while dissecting the lyrics of the song they've chosen—I weep. Every. Time.

So, when it came to figuring out how I'd approach the F/D dance at my own wedding, I wanted to make sure we chose something special and meaningful. I can be quite the ham, but I don't want to make people laugh with a choreographed father-daughter jig—I want big salty tears, people!

I'm sadistic, I know.

Image via Simpsons Wiki

Anyhow, I'm not purely evil. I just wanted to choose something that accurately reflects the kind of relationship I have with my father, and though we definitely make corny jokes and share lots of laughs, a silly dance just isn't our style.

So I started brainstorming and a couple of obvious options came to mind.

"Isn't She Lovely?"

Well I AM pretty lovely, and I love me some Stevie but it's a bit fast, a little narcissistic of a choice, and didn't invoke enough emotion for me. No go.


A definite contender and an obvious tear-jerker, but aside from its general sentimentality, it holds no special meaning to either Daddy Seal or I. So I nixed it.

I searched song after song and I started to feel a bit overwhelmed. I stopped trying so hard and started thinking about my dad. He's a musician and as such, music has played an extremely important role in my life—there had to be a song that meant something to us. So I kept thinking.

Little me and Daddio Seal after one of his shows:

As a result of his profession, my dad isn't physically around often and never has been. I've never ever felt deprived, but I have definitely learned to treasure all the times I share with my father. So it was then, when I started recalling my highlight reel of father-daughter moments, that it hit me.

Like a ton of bricks.

When I was little and when Dad wasn't touring, he sang me to sleep. This was something I greatly looked forward to because it was a moment just for us. I even recall a time in college when I was particularly stressed out and missing Daddy Seal—he, being ever clairvoyant, phoned to check in and unexpectedly decided to end the call with the familiar lullaby. I cried. (I told you I am sappy!)

I tracked down the song and discovered several different versions. Based on how daddio sang it to me, I was pretty certain I found the right rendition but decided to double-check anyhow.

Everyone told me to surprise him at the reception with my song choice. However, after reading his response to my email (simply asking for the artist of the song so I could add it to my collection), I knew he not only needed forewarning, but a choice.

His response:

"Hi Topo [his nickname for me],

There are a lot of different versions of the song that you've asked for but, this is the version that I remember.

I hope that you know that this is an extremely emotional song for me and that I cannot hear it without crying.

You are, and always will be, my one and only, little princess. 
I love you,

After that reply, how could I not tell him? So I did. AND I gave him an out. If this song was going to be too emotional for us then we could surely choose something else. Heck, I'd even opt for a goofy boogie if he wanted.

Nevertheless, he decided against the latter option. In fact, he told me that no other song would do and that he would listen to the song repeatedly to practice maintaining his composure.

He's not the only one.

Here it is—it's not a very well-known song, but it's our song:

If you're fortunate enough to have your father in your life, will you partake in the father-daughter dance tradition? How did you choose your song?

With love,

Miss Seal


Jenna said...

aww, that song is dreamy. sounds like a perfect choice! i too, am a sap, and just thinking about the f/d dance made me cry. when i got married everybody was using "butterfly kisses" which still brings me to tears. but i did NOT want to cry. so my dad and i decided to do a salsa dance, since we had taken lessons together years before. and no one would have to cry. but as it was (love those wedding day surprises, be prepared for them, they will happen) we only had the salsa song on a tape, and our dj didn't have a tape player. i was crushed, was forced to choose between a few songs and moved on. i don't even remember what we danced to come to think of it. :( father daughter dances are soooo special, for daddy's and their little girls. aww, making me tear up just thinking about it.

Emu said...

You got me crying again. Seriously, stop it.
I don't see my wedding as being a terribly traditional one. I think Raf might have a problem with that, but I just wouldn't feel comfortable participating in most wedding traditions if I were the center of attention. As for the father daughter dance, as nice as it would be, I got my dislike of attention as well as my general shyness from him. I think he'd appreciate me not making him dance, and not making him wear a tux.
Thats all I really want on my wedding day, for everyone to be comfortable and have a good time. (I think this is the first time I've answered one of your awesome end of the post questions. Go me!)

Unknown said...

I have yet to read one of you blogs with out crying through it and after. I hope you know how precious you are, I love everything about you....except when you poke me in my arm...I love baby girl. I am afraid, If I cant even read about it, what will happen to me on your wedding day..Did someone say Xanax

Kayte said...

My aunt/godmother (my dad's sister) actually picked out our song. She called me one day about 5 months before the wedding and said she had heard this song on the radio and it made her cry as she was driving down the street :) so i listened to it and yes it was the best choice :) I am not sure if you remember ~ I loved her first, by Heartland. Then to top of the sap the following year for Christmas I printed the lyrics and pictures of my dad & me or just me from childhood and mounted them around the lyrics in a frame...last one was of him and i dancing at my wedding :) ya he cried when he opened it!!

MarieDeezy said...

@Jen: Thank you, I thought it was pretty perfect too ;) Also, I had no idea that happened at your wedding—you guys must've played it off like nada! You and your daddy have such a great connection that I'm sure the song really didn't end up mattering—however, I must say I really wish I could've seen that salsa routine.

I am doing my best to train my anxiety to chill out so I can accept those wedding day mishaps!

@Tracy: Awwwe, I sorry. No cry. I don't see Raffy really wanting a super traditional I don't see why that would be a big problem (although, he HAS surprised me before). I think your wedding day aspirations are pefect—who doesn't want to be comfortable and having fun!?

@Auntie: Thank you Tia :) I wuv you!

@Kayte: I remember your F/D was adorable and made me cry (duh!). That's SUCH a sweet idea for Christmas—you are good.

Carina Conte said...

You have no idea how hard I cried when I read this and listened to the song. Heck, I'm still crying. You are so lucky to have such a great relationship with your dad. <3