Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Spreading the Word: STD Style, Part II

Hello, Hive! When we last left off on my journey to finding my STD style, I had just recalled the 1999 wedding of Matchbox 20's Rob Thomas. I will now explain what this has to do with my STDs.

In 1999, Rob Thomas collaborated with Santana on the biggest hit of the year, "Smooth". As it so happens, Daddio Seal has been the percussionist for Santana since 1976 and was therefore involved with said song. 

Check out Daddy Seal starting at 1:43:

Anyhow, as a result of recording a song together and performing together dozens of times over the course of the year, Daddy Seal and Mr. Thomas became friends and my parents were invited to his wedding.

Daddio was unable to attend his wedding because he was on tour, but I did keep the STD and invite. When I was 14 (having never heard of a save-the-date before), I referred to the below card as, "an invitation for the invitation". So this, my friends, is the first save-the-date I ever laid my eyes on:

It was so simple. All of the pertinent information printed in a classic font on nice paper. No balloons, no magnets, no pictures.

I had just found my STD style.

Soon after this rediscovery I contacted the Aerialist Press, a highly reviewed letterpress company out of Emeryville, California and requested a quote. Much to my surprise they responded not only with the quote, but with a beautiful mock-up card that perfectly captured my simple vision with a San Francisco twist. Not requiring any revisions, we ordered them exactly as they were and received them only a week later.

Our letterpress save-the-dates:

I couldn't be more pleased with how they turned out! Although I initially thought I wanted something a bit more extraordinary, it turns out that just wasn't my taste.

Will you try something a bit more adventuresome for your save-the-dates or will you stick with a more traditional style? Has a previously received STD influenced your style?

With lots of love and appreciation,

Miss Seal

(personal photos unless stated otherwise)

1 Comment:

Unknown said...

I love your save the dates! They're so simple, and yet so complex! Oh--and I've been in LOVE with Rob Thomas for years. Small world--you're pretty much a celebrity for knowing a celebrity!