Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Spreading the Word: STD Style, Part I

Sidenote: I recognize the difficulty in ignoring the misfortune of the STD acronym and will not blame you for giggling—I happen to chuckle to myself every time I type out those three little letters.

As with the bridesmaids cards, this non-crafty gal had lofty do-it-yourself dreams when it came to our save-the-dates. I think I first started imagining how the STDs would look around January of 2009—nearly a year before we would even send them out. You would think with all that time, I would have been able to accomplish something cute like this:

Or creative, like this?:

Perhaps something a bit more fun, like this?

Ultimately, I learned a life lesson: an abundance of time is not always your friend. With over a year to design, assemble and send off the world's most creative STD (*chuckle*), I felt overwhelmed! My STD taste bounced from balloons to magnets to bookmarks and I kept telling myself I had all the time in the world to figure it out.

Well. Then eight months passed.

With our wedding date landing on a Friday and our elevated number of out-of-town guests, I knew we wanted to send out save-the-date notes at the start of 2011 to give people sufficient time to make proper work and travel arrangements. After twiddling my thumbs for so long, I surmised it was time to get down to STD business. 

I sat down with myself and had a brainstorming session. Could I really see myself assembling over 150 bookmarks or calendars? Did I really want save-the-date magnets? I eventually concluded that the answers to those questions were, "no" and I felt helpless. Until I remembered 1999.

In October of 1999, Rob Thomas married Marisol Maldonado in Santa Ynez, California:
Image via Wedding Sutra

Now you may be asking yourselves what in the world they have to do with my save-the-dates, so I will explain.

Next post!

What influenced your STD style?

Lots of love,

Miss Seal


Emu said...

You know, you could have sat me down with a glue stick and told me what to do. I like making silly things!
This was probably better though, because they're classy and all that jazz.

Two posts in two days? You're a machine!

Jenna said...

well, we only had a 6 month engagement so.....no STD's for us. i remember wanting to do them. we always have done photo booth pics, and i saw a really cute PB STD (i'm into abreves) where each photo had 1. save 2. the 3. date 4. 11-11-11 on a card held by the couple. cute. i love your
STD style too. simply elegant.

MarieDeezy said...

@Tracy: My little helper! I should've known you would help...

And thanks! I'm 3 for 3, now!

@Jen: I didn't realize your engagement was only 6 months, my goodness! I couldn't even imagine...but you are superwoman, so it doesn't surprise me that you pulled off such a beautiful wedding so quickly! And I looove the PB STDs too--they are super cute!